Anomaly Discovery and Arbitrage Trading

May 19, 2023


Today, we will look closer into the hood of life expectancy of investment strategies and try to answer the critical question on which many, in some sense, if not all, trading strategies are built: what happens with anomalies after their discovery? The paper’s authors, with the sweet, simple name Anomaly Discovery and Arbitrage Trading, analyze a stylized model of anomaly discovery, which has implications for both asset prices and arbitrageurs’ trading. Their original research produced an arbitrageur-based asset pricing model that shows that discovering an anomaly reduces the correlation between the returns of its long- and short-leg portfolios: HFs (professional arbitrageurs) use to increase (unwind) such trades when their wealth increases (decreases), further supporting the view that the discovery effects work through arbitrage trading. This effect is more substantial when arbitrageurs’ wealth is more volatile.




Written by Quantpedia — The Encyclopedia of Quantitative and Algorithmic Trading Strategies

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