A Few Thoughts on Pragmatic Asset Allocation

1 min readJun 27, 2024


One of the main reasons why the Pragmatic Asset Allocation Model was designed is to give investors a tax-efficient possibility to invest in a global equity portfolio with a lower risk than the passive buy&hold approach. Therefore, the PAA model is not the “absolute return” model but rather the tactical model that prefers to invest in the equity risk premium and move to the hedging portfolio (gold, treasuries, or cash), only for short periods and only when it’s absolutely necessary. We use price trend+momentum indicators and yield curve inversion as signals for such situations when (based on the past data) there is a higher probability of recessions and equity bear markets. What is unusual in the current situation is the length of time that the YC is inverted (19 months at the moment), which makes it the 2nd longest YC inversion in the last 100 years, and we are analyzing the implications for the PAA model.





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